Thursday 13 September 2012

A gift.

Nearly 14 years ago I gave birth to my oldest son.

My pregnancy was one of great joy and learning. During my pregnancy my son gave me the gift of sight: I began to see auras around people and living objects I also began to see beings, this has not left me. I believe he has bestowed gifts on me that only he could unlock.

As he crowned, his name came into my mind in blazing letters: ISSAC. As he lay there in the hospital, he did not cry, he just gurgled and laughed. When his dad and I looked into the name we found it meant 'he who melts the ice of the heart'. I truly believe that he told me his name.

When our children come, in whatever form, they bring everything they need. We learn the tools of parenting and guiding with them and through them. Our greatest resource is love.

Blessings to all parents, everywhere, for we are doing the most important work: bringing children into this, sometimes crazy and scary, world and giving them the tools and gifts to be amazing people, as they give us the tools and gifts to be amazing people too.

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