Lordy, lordy what to do when I am the one who is sick?
Okay so I have to observe my symptoms, try and take a step back, assess myself and then take a remedy. I also have to walk my talk, so I cancel patients, cancel my day and go back to bed. This is the advise I give my patients and this is the advise I take for myself and my family.
Disease is not there to irritate you: it is the path to health. I find that after a good fever, vomit, cry, flu I am 100's again, in fact more than 100's: I have de-toxed, slept and am re-newed. You will notice this with your children, they get sick and then when they are well again they have had a growth spurt, a health spurt or even a mental/emotional spurt!
If a patient cannot raise a fever, then I get them to have one: wear lots of jumpers and wrap up, encourage the body to fever. This is nature's way of burning the 'muck' out, feel no fear from a fever in fact rejoice!
Disease=health. So if you are sick and tired of being sick and tired, stop trying to avoid it: go to bed, sweat, dis-charge and come out from under those duvet covers feeling stronger.
I am a holistic practitioner, this means to take care of the whole
patient in all aspects. So if you choose to go to the GP,
the faith healer...whatever, do so, if it works for you...fantastic. It does not make you less of a person to look after yourself.
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