Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Soundbite: ARNICA

This is one of the first remedies people use and find effective in Homoeopathy.  It is used for bumps, bangs, shock and bruising. When someone says go away I am fine, after an accident, that is shock and Arnica could be the first remedy you use. Their skin could also be cold and clammy from the shock. I use Arnica for almost any accident, it helps reduce swelling and it gives pain relief and is great after operations.
Those egg shaped bruises on the forehead? Arnica.
Do not put onto open skin (Arnica cream, oil), as it is poisonous. Give Arnica internally is the skin is broken.
I also use it if for someone doing strenuous exercise i.e. a marathon, bike race etc. I give it before and afterwards; it will help reduce physical fatigue and shock to the body.   
I also recommend it in labour (200 potency) to be taken hourly during the labour.

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Quality time

Years ago I noticed that I would be 'running' on the spot constantly. There was food to cook, the house to clean, the washing to be done, the kids need attention, I had to work, the dog needed walking, the bills had to be paid, the phone ringing, the shopping to be done, I wanted some time, the garden needed weeding....ahhhhh the list goes on and on....(and this was before Facebook ;)!  

I would sit with my kids, try,and play with them but not really enjoy it as my mind was on all the above. I realised that I was not really present with my children, my family, as I was thinking about the future and not focusing on the present. I gave them time, not quality time, not my undivided attention time.

Remember this?

The past is history
The future is a mystery
This moment is a gift....that's is why it is called the present. (Bill Keane)

I began to realise that the food got cooked, with love, the house was, sort of, clean, the washing got done, I worked, the dog had walks, the bills where paid, the phone rang (now we ignore it when we are eating together or doing something that is important not to disturb), the shopping happens, I get time and it is often in the garden! I could enjoy my family, at any given moment and I could look through my children's eyes at their view of the world and that is a gift. My youngest son, when he regales a story, his eyes get bigger and bigger, it is so warming to my heart to really listen and really look at him. That is quality time, that moment when you are present, in the moment, with your family and your loved ones and it is timeless.

Saturday, 29 September 2012


Okay, this is a big one. I wrote about acceptance last week and now forgiveness..... it seems I am in therapy with myself! Over the years I have related to this theme more and more. It feels so hard to forgive those 'who trespass against you'. (How powerful is the Lords prayer? It says it all, really.) However I have found forgiveness extraordinary.

A few weeks ago I found myself in a situation where I was ANGRY! I felt hard done by, forgotten and used. Old emotions came up in me regarding another situation where I had felt the same things. I fortunately called a friend of mine, who could relate to the situation, who lovingly 'walked' me through my emotions. At the end of the conversation she told I have to forgive this person: I had to talk to this person and tell them I forgive them. Initially I was scared to do this, I knew I could forgive this person, but could I actually sit with them and tell them?

I made the appointment, met, told my story without blame and told the person I forgave them. This was so powerful on so many levels for me and the person involved:

1) I meant it, I truly forgave and put my issues behind me.

2) The other person thanked me for my honesty and honouring our friendship.

3) A weight was lifted from my shoulders and I felt, still feel, lighter for it.

4) I also forgave myself for taking so long to honour these feelings in me, and I meant that too.

Confrontation is not easy for many people, but speaking your truth in a loving way, owning your feelings and emotions is a powerful experience in responsibility. However, forgiveness of yourself and others creates harmony and deepens relationships.

Friday, 21 September 2012


Over the years acceptance has become a powerful tool and form of healing in my clinic as well as outside of it in my private and personal life.

In the last couple of weeks I have seen some patients who have really needed to come to a place of acceptance of themselves and others. Below is a picture of one woman's very recent journey:

A woman who has had a truly horrendous life, initially came to me to come off of anti depressants. This was done with relative ease, using Homoeoapthy and twice monthly appointments. She managed to work with her panic attacks and restlessness using remedies initially and then with her own strength of mind. She has had to face many 'demons' along the way, sometimes it is easier than others, but she sees the benefit of feeling again and using her own innate intuition.This is a journey that is both empowering and humbling to do. I was very happy with her progress, as was she. Part of her journey has been about accepting her old self, to know that was her then and not who she is now.

To know that these parts of ourselves help us heal, help us have compassion for others as well as ourselves. We cannot 'cut' out these parts of ourselves, we can only accept that time was part of the person who is here, right now. We are the sum of all our histories not just the 'bad' bits.

Thursday, 13 September 2012

A gift.

Nearly 14 years ago I gave birth to my oldest son.

My pregnancy was one of great joy and learning. During my pregnancy my son gave me the gift of sight: I began to see auras around people and living objects I also began to see beings, this has not left me. I believe he has bestowed gifts on me that only he could unlock.

As he crowned, his name came into my mind in blazing letters: ISSAC. As he lay there in the hospital, he did not cry, he just gurgled and laughed. When his dad and I looked into the name we found it meant 'he who melts the ice of the heart'. I truly believe that he told me his name.

When our children come, in whatever form, they bring everything they need. We learn the tools of parenting and guiding with them and through them. Our greatest resource is love.

Blessings to all parents, everywhere, for we are doing the most important work: bringing children into this, sometimes crazy and scary, world and giving them the tools and gifts to be amazing people, as they give us the tools and gifts to be amazing people too.

Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Walk before you can run

Slow down people! Slow down. I have spent the last couple of weeks in practice trying to explain that things come at the right time and not before. Shame we seem to be under an illusion that we can have anything we want, anytime, any place, anywhere....

So on that note I have to share a moment I had years ago when I was newly a single mum and rather alone in the world, the world was upon my shoulders and I felt it! I worried about the rent, the food, the car, the 'can I support my children'. It really worried me. Then one day as I worried about these things I noticed that the rent was paid, the fridge had food in it, the car had fuel and I was, actually, supporting my children. When this overwhelming worry came upon me again I checked the rent (paid), fridge (had food), car (had petrol) and I was, actually, supporting my children.

I noticed that the worrying made me stop enjoying life: the sunsets, the children's smiles and the little things I missed for the BIG worries. I had to walk first before I could run, I had to trust first before I could see that I am capable and I am (and I still am).

So when you are worried, frustrated or overwhelmed and you think that things should change, look around your own life, see that it is changing that you are coping. You are the driver of your life and you have the tools. Use them.

Monday, 13 August 2012

My responsiblity?

For most of my 'homoeopathic' life and in my life I have felt responsible towards others and their healing journey.
It is a strange thing that I should feel so responsible, when I am aware that I do my best in each moment. However, last week in a clinic full of children (same family), I experienced something that I now know to be self-respect. As I sat there taking case notes and observing the family, a feeling of space settled on me. I felt that I was doing my 'job' and they where doing their 'job' and that I was not aware of wanting to try and take control.
I realised that in doing what I had been doing in the past I had not allowed self-respect for myself or for others. I humbly accept this learning and hope that I continue to grow in all areas of my life.

Monday, 23 July 2012

Disease = Health

Often when I am asked to explain how Homoeopathy works I realise that it is a supportive health modality. That it is not about stopping things (disease), it is about assisting to a positive outcome (health)...whatever that is!

I shall attempt to explain: when treating someone with an acute disease lets say a fever I would possibly give Belladonna (see below),  the fever might be arrested, but I have seen many, many times the fever will continue to run until it has broken and the patient is not in discomfort (dis-ease, they generally sleep off the fever/acute); the fever must run it's course, not be stopped in its tracks, then health is achieved. I have seen time and time again that when a fever (or another acute) is suppressed then the patient suffers from low grade health, they just don't feel themselves, it can be seen in tiredness, irritability, lack of joy for life etc etc. When there is health you can see it and the person feels it.

Because most of us have schooled to think that
a) there is a pill for every ill
b) that the pill will stop the disease
Most will not go through 'the eye of the needle', but rather take something to stop the pain and keep going. We all need change, we all need discharge (see blog better out than in, 5th April 2012)!

So many times I have seen profound change when a person does a disease properly: which means not stopping it or avoiding it but actually being ill and allowing the discharge to come out. That is muck out of the body, you are cleaning out! A spring clean! The body (mind and spirit) is AMAZING.

Belladonna (some of the symptoms that you can use it for):

Sudden, violent onset
Burning, heat
Patient is hot to the touch
Sensitive to light, touch, taste and noise
Can be bad tempered
Can twitch and moan with fever
Parts of the body can be red, dry and very hot.
No thirst
Swelling of boils, carbuncles, that are red and hot to the touch.
Scarlet fever
Dilated shining pupils
Babies can suffer convulsions during teething.

Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Decisions, decisions, decisions.....

Vaccination is a subject that is possibly one of  the most emotive decisions that many new parents have to make. In practice I advise parents about informed decisions. I encourage them to read into and talk to others about vaccines. When you talk to the Doctor/GP they will advise you TO vaccinate and tell you about disease, being irresponsible and statistics. When you talk to a Homoeopath they will advise you NOT to vaccinate and will tell you about immune system, health and sanitation. What a mine field when all you want is the best for your child. 

This has to be a decision that both parents make, it has to be informed, and both of you need to agree. You are responsible for your child’s life and therefore health, so you must take these decisions, the first of many, together. 

Raising a child to an adult is one of the most rewarding and challenging things that can happen to a person. In my opinion you must look at all the influences that may occur in your child’s life; how you choose to be pregnant (!) and birth your child is obliviously first; breastfeeding, vaccination and therefore health, toys, TV or not TV, discipline/manners, schooling, technology, consumerism, growing food; organic or non-organic and therefore shopping; where you put your vote (money) are some of the decisions you might consider.

Each generation is different from their parent’s generation, we have learnt from them how to do things differently, how to look at the world differently. Our children are not ours: all we can do is our best and bring them up to become responsible for themselves and therefore the world around them. This is our challenge: this is our responsibility as parents. Don’t be afraid, be brave to make informed decisions on behalf of your child/ren and know you are always doing your best, in each moment.

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

When the drugs DONT work.....

People turn to Homoeopathy (or an other type of health modality). I have to say this is a when I am faced with a most toxic individual who is really very sick on every level; physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. 

One of the first times this happened to me the patient was a 3-year-old boy, who was antibiotic resistant. He was referred to me by his GP.

I shall set the scene for you:
Persistent nasal discharge, green/grey and thick, constant colds, overweight, diet consisting of vienna's (processed sausage), white bread, fizzy drinks, yogurt and sweets, did not listen to his parents (or practitioner), hit his mother, threw toys around consulting room and was sullen. 

As I worked with this family (when working with children, I find working with the parents is invariably essential) it became clear to me that this 3 year old boy ruled the household and his parents did not know how to parent: he would scream and hit if he was told no, stole money from his mothers purse if he wanted sweets (!) and if one parent said no he would go to the other parent. It seemed the parents where scared of him and his outbursts.

I advised the use of remedies and also helped them with parenting skills. As the remedies began to work their magic and the parents came together as a team, the child became the child again, his nose and infections cleared up, his eating habits changed, he realized that throwing a tantrum, hitting and demanding things did not work any longer. His parents where delighted, their marriage strengthened, their relationship with their son was happier and they again where the adults and parents in the household.

Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Living in the moment.

The past is history, the future a mystery and this moment is a gift: that's why it is called the present.

This is a statement I have made many times, to many people, I am just beginning to understand it! Thinking and worrying about what will happen in the future, stops you from enjoying this moment and seeing that in this moment you have everything you need.
Thinking or worrying about the past, stops you from seeing how much you have changed and achieved since that time. Our mind is so clever at distracting us from the here and now. The sabotage we personally do to ourselves is phenomenal, just to keep that critical chatter at bay is constant work!
Just imagine if you just appreciated this moment.....then the next....then the next......my goodness what a world you would live in....

Monday, 11 June 2012

Trust me....trust yourself.

We seem to be at the mercy of so many things, water, diet, politicians, commerce, the next BIG thing.....how do we make an informed choice? How can you ever know what is correct for you?
"Trust that you know the right thing" is the advice that I give to myself and others. You know that feeling you get in your stomach, that just tells you it is good, it is right, it is wrong: your intuition.

But what happens when you do not know anymore. What happens when we are so out of touch with our true thoughts and feelings that we are unable to access our truth, what then?

You have to re-learn to trust yourself, not to be herded by the media/others/even your family into what you think is right or wrong...and it is a little surprising when we begin this journey of inner truth. Not everyone is going to like it or us for being our true selves! 

One of the blocks to knowing your truth I have found is prescription drugs and if you have been on prescription drugs for a while (even if it is the pill) you are not resonating from your true self. You are working from a perspective of being forced into a certain way of thinking and feeling. Please understand that I do not think that allopathy is all bad, I just think it is over prescribed.

So when I work with people coming off of prescribed drugs they often feel so many things, it can be overwhelming to them: suddenly they are in charge again and they are responsible for their thoughts, feelings, body and soul. It can feel odd taking back your own self, but it is worth every confusion and wall you break down within yourself, to being to know yourself is a wonderful and glorious journey that makes you, your greatest work of art.

Monday, 4 June 2012

Constipation: toptip

I once worked with an elderly gentleman, who had rheumatoid arthritis. He was being treated allopathically (conventionally), but he had suffered from chronic constipation for a number of years.

During the course of his consultation it came to light that he was taking 10 different drugs, daily, and 7 of them where to treat sides effects of the others! Naturally constipation is not good for the body: it is the way the body discharges toxins, so if you do not discharge the toxins the body will re-absorb them, putting those toxins back into the body and creating a toxic load for the body to deal with.

As he was not keen to come of off his drug combinations I used a simple ayurvedic remedy:

Equal weight sesame seeds and walnuts. Dry fried in a frying pan, till browned. Pestle and mortar the two seeds together until it forms a paste. Put into a clean jam jar. Take a teaspoon at night and keep in the fridge.

Monday, 28 May 2012

The inner voice

I listen to my children, to my partner, my friends and my clients. Listening is one of those skills that seems obvious but actually takes skill. I cannot think about what is for supper or daydream, I must be quiet in my mind and concentrate on who I am listening to.

My lesson in listening came to me a few years ago, let me set the scene:
It was a rainy Friday night in England. We where eating our dinner when there was a knock on our front door. I opened the door and there stood a patient of mine with another woman; who was crying. The patient asked to please see her friend right now. I checked with my family and showed the woman into my clinic.
She told me her story of how she had not been well for the last 5 years since her fathers death. She was not interested in working, relationships or anything. She cried and cried throughout the entire session. As I sat there listening to her the thought that she was dying kept coming to me, I did not know why: there was nothing to suggest that she was dying, not physical symptoms, no recent problems, nothing. However, I could not shake this thought. So at the end of the session I gave her the remedies and told her that she must make a choice: to choose life or choose death.
Now this was a scary thing to say to her (anyone) but I knew I had no choice: I had to tell her what I felt was important to her healing.
I did not hear from her until a week or so later, I thought I had probably 'lost' her as a patient. She called me and told me a most incredible story: that same night she left me she was rushed into hospital and diagnosed with a blood disorder (of which there had been only 4 in the world!), she was put into a hospital bed OPPOSITE the bed her father had died in 5 years previously! She remembered what I had advised her and repeated all the time "I want life". She came out of hospital completely recovered and ready to pursue her dreams and life.

Since this event I have begun to listen to myself as well!

Wednesday, 23 May 2012


It is entirely NOT our fault when we suffer accidents.  This is a statement I used to believe in until I had an accident in my car: I was driving merrily along when a car hit me in the drivers door, spinning me around and writing off my car. I was promptly rushed to hospital where I was given a neck brace (AKA sanitary towel), pain killers, 2 months off of work (I was working at a medical insurance company) and a course in physiotherapy. 

I went home, I sat on my sofa for about a week not feeling anything, not really being able to move. The pain killers where very effective in removing pain…..and all sensation. I could not get off my arse and get a drink of water let alone make food or a cup of tea: to assist my recovery. I felt spaced out all the time. I wondered how I would feel better when I felt so disconnected? I could not feel my neck AT ALL, let alone if I moved it too much…..

I had a full bookshelf and within the books was “Homoeopathy for the Family”. Odd that: I had never seen it before. I looked in this book and found some remedies I could take, surprisingly I could get them from a Homoeopathic pharmacy around the corner: Helios Homoeopathic pharmacy. I started taking the remedies and stopped the pain killers. I could still feel the pain, but I knew my limits and I could look after myself and heal. I felt I had found the most amazing healing modality.

Before I went back to my full-time job I was enrolled on a course at the London College of Practical Homoeopathy.
Looking back I know that accident put me on my life’s path and my life long love affair with Homoeopathy. It was no accident.

Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Liver and hang-over remedy anyone?

This is one of those fabulous Homoeopathic remedies that I use A LOT. Not on myself so much anymore (although sometimes it is needed)!
Let me describe your typical Nux Vomica personality:
  • Irritable 
  • Angry
  • Fault finding
  • Tend to have a sedentary lifestyle
  • Crave stimulants: coffee, alcohol, tobacco, rich food, recreational drugs 
  • Business minded which can wake them up at night around 3am (the liver de-toxes between 1am-3am) and they are sleepless thinking about business/work 
  • Heart burn
  • Gas
  • Constipation               
  • Headaches/hangovers
  • Nausea
  • Delirium tremens (shaky hands)
  • Blocked nose at night that runs in the day (great cold remedy).

These are just the highlights of Nux Vomica. I have found lots of men work very well with this remedy, but I can assure you it works very well with women too. 

A good friend of mine was showing me his stereo. I reached up to touch it and he slapped my hand away and was quite angry with me. I stepped back surprised at his reaction and realised that my hard working, business focused pal needed some Nux. I gave him a bottle of Nux 200 and since then if gets a cold, sore throat, grumpy with the children for a few days, he knows to take Nux. He says that he feels so much better and is so much nicer afterwards. He has now given up coffee (he does not drink anymore) and is kinder to his liver! A much nicer person for himself and for all around him.

Another friend of mine was telling me about her husband who is a successful business man: he often takes his anger and irritability out on his wife and co-workers. I suggested she tries Nux with him and she has found that afterwards he is more pleasant to be around.

The liver when under stress from lifestyle needs a little help and Nux can hold the liver and assist  with de-tox. When I was at college the liver was described as a red setter dog: loyal and loving to it's owner, look after you liver (presumably) it's the only one you will ever have.

Thursday, 10 May 2012


When practicing Homoeopathy you look at the spiritual, emotional, mental AND physical aspects of the person. Often people come with illnesses such as a knee problem, back problem and they also suffer from depression. Sometimes they don’t want me to investigate the depression, only deal with the knee and back: as a Homoeopath this is impossible we have to treat the whole (person), not parts (of a person). For me to have results with the knee and back, I must treat the whole (holism).
I suppose this is where ‘conventional’ medicine comes in. Most people are conditioned to see one specialist for the knee, another for the back and another for depression. When they go to the GP they talk about the knee, the back, the depression as three different symptoms. For Homoeopaths this is the same symptom: the individual in front of us.

Monday, 23 April 2012

What is going on in there?

A few years ago I worked (as a volunteer) in a clinic in a township. It was the most amazing thing for me to be next to a vaccination room and in a busy clinic. I would see about 20 patients a morning. It certainly made me think fast and work on my feet! I have mentioned one of these patients in a previous blog: A learning curve. 

The Sister of the clinic would decide who would come to me and whom she and the other nurses would treat. She made no comment to me for many weeks and then one day when I was locking up my room she asked me “What do you do in there? Everyone comes out smiling!” At first I did not know how to answer her, until I realized that I listen to each and every person that came in (with a translator). The nurses and the assistants in the clinic began to consult me as well; it was an honor to be seen as an equal rather than a threat.

I made a lot of friends there and found that I was confident to run a clinic with only natural practitioners (volunteer based) and we worked with the ‘conventional’ clinic. That is evolution, I think.

Monday, 16 April 2012

Food glorious food!

I often have parents bringing their children in and complaining that the child wants juice, sweets, biscuits etc etc and I am always reminded of a parent I was working with many years ago.

Her daughter had been diagnosed with autism (I will write about this another time). This is how the conversation regarding food went:

Mother: She only eats yogurt, sweets and biscuits. 

Me: Where does your daughter get these foods?

Mother: In the larder and fridge. 

Me: How do they get into the fridge and larder?

Mother:…. I buy them! 

Case closed! If you don’t want your children to eat them then just don’t buy them! 

(Some of the most obvious answers stare us straight in the face :).

Thursday, 5 April 2012

Better out than in

Most people who know me or work with me understand that I love a discharge: when I prescribe a remedy I expect there to be some sort of discharge to occur. I tell people to expect some movement from inside to outside and I am delighted when this happens. Now the discharge can be mucus, diarrhoea, vomit, earwax etc or it can be crying, telling the partner/boss/friend how you really feel, it can be laughter or it could even be a dream.
I had a patient once where one of her main symptoms was anger. She had no control over her emotions or how she expressed herself, in fact she was totally unaware of how she was with others. It was easier for her to blame others rather than work on herself. After taking her remedy not only did she develop a sore throat and raging fever, but she dreamt she was on the receiving end of her anger, the next day she apologised to her family and began working with her emotions in a new and profound way. 
Something has to move (out) for health to happen, the symptoms shift from interior to exterior; major to minor. So when your body gets rid of some muck (in whatever form it comes) be happy, know you are dumping your toxic load and your body/mind/spirit will be better and healthier for it and so will those around you!

Thursday, 15 March 2012

Gifting from the heart

Fundraising is interesting and challenging work. When I fundraise for a cause that touches my heart and my soul, it is easy. Of late I have been realizing the limiting beliefs others and I have around money. There seems to be a feeling of lack, scarcity, when what I am beginning to see and feel in my own life is that I am sufficient, I have purpose and I have freedom. 
I always have enough; this is a realization I have made over the years. As a single mother I worried about supporting my little family, until one day I realized that the fridge always had food in it, the electricity meter was running, the car had fuel and we had a roof over our heads...it was always my projection of lack that made me feel that lack. Now I can see money as one part of my life, not all of my life. I have so many other wonderful 'resources' in my life that I am sufficient; my family, my friends, the air around me, the sky, simple pleasures that do not relate to how much money I have. 
This belief system of not enough, need more is outdated. We must change our relationship with money. Money does not define who I am: how I spend my money defines who I am, how I live my life defines who I am. 
So when I am given an opportunity to fundraise (for Work for Love www.workforlove.co.za) I know that with each pledge that is given that the community investment will be at work for ever, not used up, but continuously returning worth to everyone in this community.
These moments of connection through our money are deeper perhaps than we imagine possible; and when, in those instances, we act from the heart, then our money communicates that heart, which is our true wealth.

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

The drugs do work…. but they don’t half @**% us up!

I have been working with a few children who have been told to take ritalin. (This is a  drug used to treat ADD/ADHD and is been ‘offered’ as an almost standard treatment in many schools all over the world). The homoeopathic work has been successful, none of the children who I have worked with takes ritalin anymore and most have not had to take any at all. I have mainly used constitutional remedies, diet changes and any form of artistic expression.

A woman, who has made huge changes over the short period of time of working with me, was talking to me about children and parents at her children’s school. 'The children on ritalin are all skinny' she mentioned (one of the side affects of an amphetamine-like prescription: you do not get hungry) 'and the parents seem to be very happy that their children are sitting still, being quiet, paying attention in and out of school'.

Now this causes huge problems in my brain: children are not by nature, quiet, still nor do they want to sit for hours at a desk without time to play and explore. Also, if we subject our children to mind/emotion altering drugs at such a young age how will they deal with their mind/emotions in the future? Are we not creating a (more) drug dependant society? The long term picture is not pretty. A world of people out of touch with themselves. I suppose it is helpful to have a drug dependant society: so much easier to control.

Monday, 27 February 2012

WOMAHO: Woman, Mother, Homoeopath: Listen up!

WOMAHO: Woman, Mother, Homoeopath: Listen up!: To be a Homoeopath you have to be able to not judge a person, not put your own 'stuff' into the understanding of another's issues and to be...

Listen up!

To be a Homoeopath you have to be able to not judge a person, not put your own 'stuff' into the understanding of another's issues and to be aware of the underlying conversation that is going on either physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually. It is quite a task, but rewarding.
The main task I have is to listen with my hEARt! I often uncover peculiar things from listening with my hEARt:

Many years ago I had a knock on my front door late on a Friday night. I remember it was raining. Outside the door stood a patient of mine with another woman. The patient apologized but asked could I please see her friend right now.
I decided that I could, and the woman came in to my clinic. She sat and told me that she her father had died 5 years ago, she had been unable to get over it, her life had stopped and she was extremely tearful for the entire session. I cannot really remember much more of the conversation other that during the session I realized she was dying. I did not know how, but I felt it strongly. I told that she must make a choice between life and death. She left with her remedies and I did not hear from her again for a week. I thought that I must have seemed too 'way out' for her to contact me again! When she did call she told me this: after she left me she went to hospital, where she was diagnosed with a blood disorder, that was a) hardly ever seen b) only 5 cases in the world and c) was poisoning her to death!
She was rushed into ICU and put into the bed opposite where her father had died! She then remembered what I had suggested and she decided to LIVE, this was her mantra whist she was in hospital. After a week she was discharged with no further symptoms! We worked together for a few months, she went on to realize her dream (which if I remember correctly) was to study Indian head massage, in India! Lucky fish!

After this consultation, my way of practice changed fundamentally: I listen with all my senses, especially my hEARt.

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Strength of a woman.

We love our kids, adore them! However, there are times...well...when we have just had ENOUGH, of our little DARLINGS. It is a challenge to be organic foody, soft emotionally, feel sexy to your man, be un-endingly supportive to the family, on occasions be awake all night with the kids, look fanbloodytastic and (possibly, but I hope not) hold down a paying job! Thankfully Homoeopathy has an answer....

A patient called me yesterday asking for a remedy advise. Today she came to collect what she wanted, as she was leaving she said "Do you have anything for exhaustion?" I asked her how she was feeling: Irritable, exhausted, just want some space, fed up with kids hanging off me wanting this and wanting that. Lack of sleep (last 3 nights), don't want to be touched, sex is off the agenda (for 18months).

I gave her Sepia 200c. Told her to take 3 doses today. As she took the first dose she smiled, for the first time since we had spoken...I am sure by the third dose she will be able to deal with all the above challenges: with the strength of a woman.

(FYI: I am also aware that Dad's are amazing, holding, protective, warriors, generous, loving and so many more wonderful adjectives...but this one is for the woman...)

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

WOMAHO: Woman, Mother, Homoeopath: Magic!

WOMAHO: Woman, Mother, Homoeopath: Magic!: I was reminded of this patient yesterday when I was explaining Aconite. A few years ago there was a dreadful fire in a squatter camp n...


I was reminded of this patient yesterday when I was explaining Aconite.

A few years ago there was a dreadful fire in a squatter camp near to where we where staying. 96 shacks burnt down. I offered my services to anyone who wanted them. Oddly only pregnant women turned up.
The woman who stands out in my mind was 5 months pregnant: she had watched her shack burn down (a sudden shock), all her possessions where in there (her family was safe), she had not slept since the fire because of thinking of all the things she had lost and what could have happened (restless in mind, fear of death, anxiety), could not sit down (restless in body) and worst of all the baby had stopped moving since then (shock).
I gave her 3 doses of Aconite 200. One immediately, one in an hour and one before bed. I asked her to come back the next day as I was concerned for the baby.
The next morning she arrived. Firstly I did not recognise her. She was calm, she had slept, she had realised that all that was important to her (her family) was safe, everything could be built and bought again and the baby was moving.

3 little doses of Aconite 200, mind blowing. When Homoeopathy works it is magical.

Just in case you where wondering: I did send her for a scan, which confirmed that all was well for the baby and a few months later I saw her with her baby, shack re-built and life going on.

(Writing in italics are symptoms that could confirm the use of Aconite)

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

WOMAHO: Woman, Mother, Homoeopath: Pay it forward

WOMAHO: Woman, Mother, Homoeopath: Pay it forward: Last week a friend of mine told me that I had ‘won’ his weekly tithe (10% of his weekly earning’s). I was honoured when he told m...

WOMAHO: Woman, Mother, Homoeopath: Endofyearitis

WOMAHO: Woman, Mother, Homoeopath: Endofyearitis: As a Homoeopath I am often expected to prescribe a remedy, sometimes it is apparent and sometimes it is not. Sometimes the 'remedy' is a hug...

WOMAHO: Woman, Mother, Homoeopath: Ch ch ch changes

WOMAHO: Woman, Mother, Homoeopath: Ch ch ch changes: At this time of year we often review ourselves, the past year and make efforts to change and to grow. Some of it is easy, some of it not. In...

WOMAHO: Woman, Mother, Homoeopath: A learning curve

WOMAHO: Woman, Mother, Homoeopath: A learning curve: A few years ago I was working as a volunteer in a township clinic in Cape Town. As a white, middle-class, English woman, I thought like one ...

WOMAHO: Woman, Mother, Homoeopath: Connect or die!

WOMAHO: Woman, Mother, Homoeopath: Connect or die!: Throughout the years of my long love affair with Homoeopathy I have to wonder at the difference's between people. For example I can, with co...

WOMAHO: Woman, Mother, Homoeopath: Physician heal thyself

WOMAHO: Woman, Mother, Homoeopath: Physician heal thyself: Lordy, lordy what to do when I am the one who is sick? Okay so I have to observe my symptoms, try and take a step back, assess myself and ...

WOMAHO: Woman, Mother, Homoeopath: Pay it forward

WOMAHO: Woman, Mother, Homoeopath: Pay it forward: Last week a friend of mine told me that I had ‘won’ his weekly tithe (10% of his weekly earning’s). I was honoured when he told m...

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Pay it forward


Last week a friend of mine told me that I had ‘won’ his weekly tithe (10% of his weekly earning’s). I was honoured when he told me the ‘winner’ is the person who touches his soul.

This inspired me to want to do the same. The next day I went to a friend’s house who has been through some very trying times in the last 5 years. Recently his whole world was rocked by the death of his ex-wife in a horrendous accident. Leaving behind 3 children, huge emotional trauma and a life he dreamed of, but not in this way.

His ex-wife had employed a live in nanny last August. When the nanny heard of the accident she decided to not leave, for her annual visit to her child and family, but to stay when this family when they needed her most: she indeed touched my heart and soul. I took her to a shop where I bought her some clothes, duvet cover, pillow cases, shoes, picture fames and a vase. The entire amount came to exactly 10% of my earnings for that week!

Maybe this is a universal law? I don’t know, but it certainly made me realize that when we learn to open our hearts, we invite more of our soul into our lives.

Monday, 30 January 2012

Physician heal thyself

Lordy, lordy what to do when I am the one who is sick?

Okay so I have to observe my symptoms, try and take a step back, assess myself and then take a remedy. I also have to walk my talk, so I cancel patients, cancel my day and go back to bed. This is the advise I give my patients and this is the advise I take for myself and my family.

Disease is not there to irritate you: it is the path to health. I find that after a good fever, vomit, cry, flu I am 100's again, in fact more than 100's: I have de-toxed, slept and am re-newed. You will notice this with your children, they get sick and then when they are well again they have had a growth spurt, a health spurt or even a mental/emotional spurt!

If a patient cannot raise a fever, then I get them to have one: wear lots of jumpers and wrap up, encourage the body to fever. This is nature's way of burning the 'muck' out, feel no fear from a fever in fact rejoice!

Disease=health. So if you are sick and tired of being sick and tired, stop trying to avoid it: go to bed, sweat, dis-charge and come out from under those duvet covers feeling stronger.

I am a holistic practitioner, this means to take care of the whole patient in all aspects. So if you choose to go to the GP, the faith healer...whatever, do so, if it works for you...fantastic. It does not make you less of a person to look after yourself.

Thursday, 26 January 2012

Connect or die!

Throughout the years of my long love affair with Homoeopathy I have to wonder at the difference's between people. For example I can, with confidence, prescribe a remedy that has worked successfully for many which does not work for someone with the same symptoms. This only means to me that everyone is different, individual. However we are all connected and the more we connect: the healthier we are.

Our connection with our immediate family, our friends, acquaintances and community is what helps us to be healthy individuals. If we only focus on the individual aspect of ourselves then others do not matter, we only think of ourselves. I believe this is one of the major causes of disease. The USA and western Europe have taken this way of thinking as a way of life. Number one, take what you want without thought for others, be the best you can be, the top of the heap....you know what I mean.

This earth, this community needs us to look into each others eyes and care. We are intrinsically made to belong to one another, we long for connection: to belong. To be isolated would mean death. I would like us to re-connect, re-establish and re-member that we are all one: one for all and all for one!

Friday, 20 January 2012

A learning curve

A few years ago I was working as a volunteer in a township clinic in Cape Town. As a white, middle-class, English woman, I thought like one and did not appreciate what poverty meant. This was one of my first patients and a profound learning experience for me:

A woman came into my clinic with her daughter. The daughter seemed lifeless and slow. She slumped across her mother, sleepily.  Her mother described her as unhappy, she did not want to eat, always felt  cold, for an African girl she looked pale and her hair looked sort of pale as well. I prescribed Silica (as a tissue salt) and told the mother to bring her back next week. The next week a bouncing girl came through the door, I did not recognise her at first. Her mother relayed that her daughter had life again and was eating. She was hungry all the time. The mother thanked me hugely and then said that only problem she now had was that she could not afford to feed her daughter.

Poverty is part of the disease. Poverty is a maintaining cause to ill health. Poverty is a huge tidal wave of need. A massive issue to address and one, most of the time, I cannot fathom. However, in my researching I have found: when there is disparity between the rich and the poor both suffer from higher rates of ill health, crime, mental illness, environmental problems and violence. Out of 20 countries the USA (one of the wealthiest countries in the world, with half the worlds billionaires) has the highest levels of social problems, crime, lack of education, mental illness, suicide, diseases of all sorts. Even though 1 in every 39 Americans are millionaires, one in 7 (39.1 million) Americans live below the poverty line. Japan and Sweden have less wealth disparity and less problems. Should we not be looking at these models of society to find the way to live in harmony with each other, the earth and with health?

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Ch ch ch changes

At this time of year we often review ourselves, the past year and make efforts to change and to grow. Some of it is easy, some of it not. In practice I have seen that for healing to occur change is needed.

We all have our own life challenges, no-one is exempt. To meet (and to heal) these challenges we must be able to change (our patterns, thoughts, habits, selves). People who work with me find that personal work is constant but always rewarding. You have to watch yourself!

I was reminded of the need for change to promote healing around an open fire, under the stars with some friends:

A dear friends son split open his big toe, dropped a cup on it, if I recall. I advised remedies, but it kept getting infected. After some questioning I found out that he was swimming on a daily basis. Off on holiday they go, toe looking foul, with my insistence that for healing to occur his foot must stay out of the water for a few days. So whilst the other children frolicked in the water he was, rather unceremoniously, dunked head first, so he could cool off. After 2 days his toe was healed and sealed. He was back in the water!

So whatever you are healing or working with remember change can be big or small, it can be for a life time or a few days and it will always be positive.

For the love of our earth and all who live on her lets make positive change.

Monday, 2 January 2012

Interesting Homoeopathic fact:

Green tips (from The Green Book USA): 
Consider using Homoeopathic medicines instead of over the counter or prescription pharmaceuticals to treat medical conditions. The process of manufacturing synthetic drugs emits more than 177 million pounds (80.45 million kgs) of untreated pollutants into air, water and soil resources each year. If just 5% of the population used Homoeopathic remedies for their medication needs, fewer pollutants would make it into the water system.