Monday, 1 July 2013


Wake up, drink water, get the kids up, breakfast, make lunch boxes, school run, work, lunch, wash up, work, collect from school, homework, supper, wash up, bedtime, sleep. Wake up, drink water, get the kids up, breakfast, make lunch boxes, school run, work, lunch, wash up, work, collect from school, homework, supper, wash up, bedtime, sleep...........

Speaking with a friend yesterday about the above and the seemingly endlessness of chores and the mundane and I realised that I am (mostly) fine with the mundane. I have been doing it for so long that actually it is a meditation for me. Of course there are times I could do with out it, but I find the mundane grounding and soothing, it helps me stay in the present and enjoy every part of my life.

As Syd Banks says: you are only ever 1 new thought away from a completely different experience of being alive.

Or Zen: before enlightenment chop wood, draw water after enlightenment chop wood, draw water.

So enjoy your holidays and look forward to the mundane of life's routines.