Thursday, 27 June 2013

Cutting the apron strings.

As a divorcee and (one time) single mother I have had to get used to letting go of my boys, it has not been easy: the toing and froing between houses, the shared holidays and the emotional upsets dropping them off or collecting them.

My boys are now 15 and 13 years respectfully, and I am seeing how I am having to let go of them in a whole different way, I have to let go of them as a woman and mother. I was their first love, they have to move away from that and I have to also. My eldest and I are in an understanding that our relationship is changing. He is turning into a man. He and I have to cut the apron strings.

I have decided to have a ceremony, to honour my son and being a mum. I am not big on being the center of attention (really) and I have been gifted a simple ceremony (thank you Leesa Daymond). I plan to do this in the near future. The ceremony will allow me to hand him over, if you like, to the men. I will always be here for him, my heart and door always open, but I must let him go, he is no longer my little boy, he is (very nearly) a man.