Saturday, 29 September 2012


Okay, this is a big one. I wrote about acceptance last week and now forgiveness..... it seems I am in therapy with myself! Over the years I have related to this theme more and more. It feels so hard to forgive those 'who trespass against you'. (How powerful is the Lords prayer? It says it all, really.) However I have found forgiveness extraordinary.

A few weeks ago I found myself in a situation where I was ANGRY! I felt hard done by, forgotten and used. Old emotions came up in me regarding another situation where I had felt the same things. I fortunately called a friend of mine, who could relate to the situation, who lovingly 'walked' me through my emotions. At the end of the conversation she told I have to forgive this person: I had to talk to this person and tell them I forgive them. Initially I was scared to do this, I knew I could forgive this person, but could I actually sit with them and tell them?

I made the appointment, met, told my story without blame and told the person I forgave them. This was so powerful on so many levels for me and the person involved:

1) I meant it, I truly forgave and put my issues behind me.

2) The other person thanked me for my honesty and honouring our friendship.

3) A weight was lifted from my shoulders and I felt, still feel, lighter for it.

4) I also forgave myself for taking so long to honour these feelings in me, and I meant that too.

Confrontation is not easy for many people, but speaking your truth in a loving way, owning your feelings and emotions is a powerful experience in responsibility. However, forgiveness of yourself and others creates harmony and deepens relationships.

Friday, 21 September 2012


Over the years acceptance has become a powerful tool and form of healing in my clinic as well as outside of it in my private and personal life.

In the last couple of weeks I have seen some patients who have really needed to come to a place of acceptance of themselves and others. Below is a picture of one woman's very recent journey:

A woman who has had a truly horrendous life, initially came to me to come off of anti depressants. This was done with relative ease, using Homoeoapthy and twice monthly appointments. She managed to work with her panic attacks and restlessness using remedies initially and then with her own strength of mind. She has had to face many 'demons' along the way, sometimes it is easier than others, but she sees the benefit of feeling again and using her own innate intuition.This is a journey that is both empowering and humbling to do. I was very happy with her progress, as was she. Part of her journey has been about accepting her old self, to know that was her then and not who she is now.

To know that these parts of ourselves help us heal, help us have compassion for others as well as ourselves. We cannot 'cut' out these parts of ourselves, we can only accept that time was part of the person who is here, right now. We are the sum of all our histories not just the 'bad' bits.

Thursday, 13 September 2012

A gift.

Nearly 14 years ago I gave birth to my oldest son.

My pregnancy was one of great joy and learning. During my pregnancy my son gave me the gift of sight: I began to see auras around people and living objects I also began to see beings, this has not left me. I believe he has bestowed gifts on me that only he could unlock.

As he crowned, his name came into my mind in blazing letters: ISSAC. As he lay there in the hospital, he did not cry, he just gurgled and laughed. When his dad and I looked into the name we found it meant 'he who melts the ice of the heart'. I truly believe that he told me his name.

When our children come, in whatever form, they bring everything they need. We learn the tools of parenting and guiding with them and through them. Our greatest resource is love.

Blessings to all parents, everywhere, for we are doing the most important work: bringing children into this, sometimes crazy and scary, world and giving them the tools and gifts to be amazing people, as they give us the tools and gifts to be amazing people too.