Monday, 23 April 2012

What is going on in there?

A few years ago I worked (as a volunteer) in a clinic in a township. It was the most amazing thing for me to be next to a vaccination room and in a busy clinic. I would see about 20 patients a morning. It certainly made me think fast and work on my feet! I have mentioned one of these patients in a previous blog: A learning curve. 

The Sister of the clinic would decide who would come to me and whom she and the other nurses would treat. She made no comment to me for many weeks and then one day when I was locking up my room she asked me “What do you do in there? Everyone comes out smiling!” At first I did not know how to answer her, until I realized that I listen to each and every person that came in (with a translator). The nurses and the assistants in the clinic began to consult me as well; it was an honor to be seen as an equal rather than a threat.

I made a lot of friends there and found that I was confident to run a clinic with only natural practitioners (volunteer based) and we worked with the ‘conventional’ clinic. That is evolution, I think.

Monday, 16 April 2012

Food glorious food!

I often have parents bringing their children in and complaining that the child wants juice, sweets, biscuits etc etc and I am always reminded of a parent I was working with many years ago.

Her daughter had been diagnosed with autism (I will write about this another time). This is how the conversation regarding food went:

Mother: She only eats yogurt, sweets and biscuits. 

Me: Where does your daughter get these foods?

Mother: In the larder and fridge. 

Me: How do they get into the fridge and larder?

Mother:…. I buy them! 

Case closed! If you don’t want your children to eat them then just don’t buy them! 

(Some of the most obvious answers stare us straight in the face :).

Thursday, 5 April 2012

Better out than in

Most people who know me or work with me understand that I love a discharge: when I prescribe a remedy I expect there to be some sort of discharge to occur. I tell people to expect some movement from inside to outside and I am delighted when this happens. Now the discharge can be mucus, diarrhoea, vomit, earwax etc or it can be crying, telling the partner/boss/friend how you really feel, it can be laughter or it could even be a dream.
I had a patient once where one of her main symptoms was anger. She had no control over her emotions or how she expressed herself, in fact she was totally unaware of how she was with others. It was easier for her to blame others rather than work on herself. After taking her remedy not only did she develop a sore throat and raging fever, but she dreamt she was on the receiving end of her anger, the next day she apologised to her family and began working with her emotions in a new and profound way. 
Something has to move (out) for health to happen, the symptoms shift from interior to exterior; major to minor. So when your body gets rid of some muck (in whatever form it comes) be happy, know you are dumping your toxic load and your body/mind/spirit will be better and healthier for it and so will those around you!